Saturday, May 26, 2007

Music you have never heard of before...

Music helps you calm down after a stressful day or hyped you up in the middle of a session. Being overseas, I get a chance to hear so many new groups that will never be heard in the US. Friends in different countries are always turning me on to new groups all the time. The downside to this is I also miss out on groups in the US or hear about them 3 months after they are already played out. I am not losing sleep over it though...

So here are one artist you have never heard that you should HAVE to see. I know after you will be blown away. His name is: Speak, The Hungarian Rapper
Just watch the video... the whole thing and then see the influence the US has on the rest of the world. Enough said...


edicwhun said...

This is something I would normally laugh at, but struck me a little deeper this time. It's actually quite true...and sad.

jurgen said...

i tried, i really did... i couldnt get thru it... i think the expensive whip and the walking thru the graveyard killed it faster than the awful singing and the dedications up front. shouldnt this guy be in a bare knuckle boxing match against pikeys rather than trying to stop a war?