Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Thanksgiving comes Early??? Turkey vs. Germany in Euro 2008

Tomorrow is the Germany vs Turkey Match to go to the finals of the Euro Cup 2008. With Germany having the second highest Turkish population outside of Turkey, you know it will be insane. I live in Kreuzberg, the Turkish neighborhood in Berlin, and the flags have been flying around since the start of the Euro 2008.

After Turkey pulled off the second miracle win of the tournament, Kreuzberg went insane. Below were a few photos of what happened afterwards... I love living overseas. The cops would have shut this down in 10 minutes if it happened in the US. The party went past 5am in the morning and remember most people from Turkey are Muslim so they don't drink. They were just that hyped!

Tomorrow Kreuzberg is on fire no matter the outcome! Thank you Football (Soccer) for bringing everyone together here. It has been a fun month here for sure!

Friday, June 20, 2008

'Holland' at your boy!

I have had Bas Janssen staying with me for the last few days filming for the Element Europe video due out at the start of next year. With the Euro 2008 also going, he had to rep the homeland while here in Berlin. With the way Holland has been playing, this foto of Bas in front of the local shop was pretty accurate. Can not wait until the match with Russia this weekend. It should be a good one!

In the meantime, Germany is in the semi-finals after beating Portugal 3-2. The Turkey match will be insane tomorrow. If Turkey wins, Kruezberg is on fire! Germany/ Turkey to go to the finals... lets see it!!!!

Back to importing. I have video deadline around the corner right now. More news to come soon on new projects in the works.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Monster Mag article

Here is an article online of my trip back to the US in late April with the Berlin crew and Vivien. It was fun taking all the guys back to the East Coast for their first trip. It was just funny to have the crew back in Waynesboro for a bit. I think the kids at the new skatepark were just as surprised as well. Good times for sure!!!
article link > Here

As for Vivien, the French consider him a German since he is from Strasbourg while the Germans say he is French. His skateboard skills are on point for Matix to say this below. Someone wants him in this world at least!

The only think I have to say about it is, you have to keep the phase' Where Brooklyn at?!?!?!' in english. It sounds much better i think... But if i say 'Whats poppin'?' here, I will either get slapped or I will make some female quite happy with my directness toward her. Poppen... You can look it up for yourself. In English, it means, 'whats going on.' That is the part i love about learning new languages... You truly never know what you are saying sometimes.

Good looks to Oli and Skateboard MSM for looking out!!!! Danke noch mal alta!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

New Year... New look...

I have not been blogging for a good amount of time. The last post was when I was finishing up the new PITCREW video and I was ready to take off some well deserved rest and relaxation. Since then, my focus has been in other areas and only now i think i should get back on the blogging tip. So many amazing things have been going on and now with an iPhone.. it is much easier to take those fotos while out.

So here begins a new chapter in my blogging (can i really say that?)...

Back to Euro 2008... It is football time...