Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Thanksgiving comes Early??? Turkey vs. Germany in Euro 2008

Tomorrow is the Germany vs Turkey Match to go to the finals of the Euro Cup 2008. With Germany having the second highest Turkish population outside of Turkey, you know it will be insane. I live in Kreuzberg, the Turkish neighborhood in Berlin, and the flags have been flying around since the start of the Euro 2008.

After Turkey pulled off the second miracle win of the tournament, Kreuzberg went insane. Below were a few photos of what happened afterwards... I love living overseas. The cops would have shut this down in 10 minutes if it happened in the US. The party went past 5am in the morning and remember most people from Turkey are Muslim so they don't drink. They were just that hyped!

Tomorrow Kreuzberg is on fire no matter the outcome! Thank you Football (Soccer) for bringing everyone together here. It has been a fun month here for sure!

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