Thursday, October 4, 2007

Back to Business....

So things never stop as a videographer. After the super fun premiere in Hamburg this last weekend, I am back in Berlin on the mission to get my article for the December 'Limited' Mag done. I am shooting a piece about my move to Berlin. I have some rad sequences already for it. One more and I am done already... Not too bad off the mission. Today was a great session with the guys. 6 sequences in 2 hours of some tech stuff. Lets say my week is in the bonus from here on out.

Next week is a Redbull shoot for a project Jürgen Horrwarth is putting together. It should be sick. Pierre Luc Gagnon, Renton Millar, Sandro Dias, and some ill new euro vert rippers will be there. A lock-in at an amazing park and an overnight vert session with some amazing skaters.. not too shabby I think. The project will be done at the end of the month.

The new PITCREW video is still in the works. I am headin back to the US soon but i need to make the HD money before I come back. It is time to upgrade the gear over the holidays.

Check in complete...check out of the blog in progress. photos coming later this week...

Hope everyone had a great Octoberfest (which ends on Sunday).
To all the Americans, Oktoberfest does not go the whole month long and you don't drink Miller or Coors Light for it. Just a reminder.

Thanks to everyone who took 5 minutes to read my full thoughts in 1/2 sentences.
Until next time...

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